around here, spring is springing. the flowering trees are blooming. little dabs of green are sprouting out from their tips. this week in particular it has been beautiful…the mornings are glorious and the afternoons are bright and sunny. it is intoxicating and wonderful and soul energizing.
around here, at the opposite end of the spectrum, i am already so weary of political ads on television. and i know it’s only going to get worse. insert big, deep breath <<here>>.
around here, the big news is that the new trader joes is open! i stopped in for the first time yesterday and came home with one bunch of lavender tulips, olive oil, hummus, and some boursin cheese. for a second it almost reminded me of being in california…well except for the fact that there is no vino in our trader joes. and then when i stepped back outside, the wind was blowing. which it doesn’t do in california.
around here, the other big news is that my girl is coming home for the weekend. which makes me so happy because i’ve been missing her something fierce. but the really BIG thing is that she is bringing home a special new friend….her boyfriend.
you guys…..
this is a first for us. and it feels huge for a million reasons that i haven’t really had the headspace lately to list out. but my overwhelming feeling is excitement.
around here, related to colton’s visit, i had to give matilda (my 1990’s model kenmore vacuum sweeper that is literally held together with duct tape) CPR last night. my guess it was too much cat litter. or possible the metric ton of sequins i found in the bottom. (please…i know…don’t say it). at any rate, after a deep clean and little more duct tape, girlfriend is back in business.
around here, i often ponder my blog and wonder if i could possible have anything left to say. my life is so ordinary – really kelly??? your vacuum sweeper?? is that the best you can do?? – and does the interweb really need more pictures of my backyard or daffodils or spring weeds? that i don’t really know to be honest. but it makes me happy to do it. and it makes me feel humble and grateful that you come here and visit me and let me share it with you.
happy friday my dear friends. hope you have a wonderful weekend!
love, kelly
Lisa says
Oh please keep sharing. You images and calligraphy are both so beautiful.
Lisa Gordon says
What an exciting time for everyone!
And indeed it sure looks like spring where you are. We are supposed to have some warmer weather next week, but right now, it’s still in the 20’s so not a lot of color here. I have heard the birds singing though, and it really is a wonderful sound.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Karen Olson says
I love your humor Kelly and the way you make everyday life look awesome, so the answer is yes, because you like to and because other people like that you like to…blog that is.
Dotti says
I saw Kelsey’s picture of herself with her new squeeze on IG. Exciting – and challenging time ahead!
Pam says
The Internet VERY MUCH NEEDS you! I type this from snowy Seabright where I’ll go shovel in 20 minutes and drive in wretched conditions to work. You think I don’t need tulips? And talk of that cheese? (isn’t it good?!!) And to hear a boyfriend is coming home? Why am I not there to administer the Fishgirl Boyfriend Suitability Test? What am I doing in this frozen tundra? I start my day far better off for having visited here. Big hugs to you, Kelly. Happy weekend. The Internet NEEDS you. Boy oh boy, it does.
Rosita says
Love your photos! They make you feel warm inside 🙂