Spring in Oklahoma. It’s three steps forward and two steps back. Winter doesn’t like to give up without a fight, so it takes a bit for Spring to really settle in. But I think we’re finally over the hump! And today I though I would share with you my ten sure signs that Spring is here for good.
- Waking up to sound of birds signing. We like to sleep with our bedroom window cracked open at night so that means we have nature’s best alarm clock.
- The redbuds are in bloom! They are Oklahoma’s state tree and our official harbinger of Spring.
- It’s staying light longer. Love having more time after work to enjoy time outside!
- The wind is sweeping down the plains. Enough said.
- Cold rain and freezing temps in the forecast. #typical
- I have abandoned every gray and black cardigan sweater I own for pink, coral, green and navy. Hello spring color!
- Weekend trips to Home Depot.
- Walking through the neighborhood and smelling freshly cut grass.
- The desire to clean out every closet, cupboard, and cabinet in my house.
- A feeling of lightness and joy in my heart.
I hope Spring has found its way to your neck of the woods!
Love, Kelly
P.S. One a more serious note, some of my least favorite things about this time of year are the devastating wildfires and severe storms that seem to plague this part of the country. Offering up my prayers for all of those families who have been affected by these natural disasters.
This is just a lovely article! Thank you for the pictures. Takes me back. I went to high school in Sulphur, and I’m working on a memoir now that includes links for people to donate to rebuild after the tornado. Your article is the perfect reminder of what spring in like in Oklahoma. Thank you!