- sleeping with the window open. waking up to the sounds of birds. the cardinal outside my room as an alarm clock.
- morning solitude. a few quiet moments before the day gets started. i find that starting the day this way keeps me present and centered and connected and focused like nothing else.
- my journal. karen wrote a beautiful piece about journaling recently. i use mine similarly (morning pages style) and love how it acts as sort of a safekeeping for thoughts and feelings. in fact, the seeds for this blog post were sewn in my journal.
- the fact that my sweet boy, riley, finally seems to have kicked an ear infection that has literally dragged on for months. four rounds of different antibiotics later and finally his ear is clean. and i know he’s feeling better because he’s back to stealing daisy’s squeaky toys.
- the smell of the blooms on my saucer magnolia tree. my mom gave it to me for my birthday a couple of years ago and it’s going gangbusters this year.
- peach blossoms.
- the freedom in my hip joints and the strength in my arm muscles from a renewed commitment to my home yoga practice. i started the year with this series and just love this gal’s take on yoga {{read::she doesn’t take it or herself too seriously}}.
- white ink on black cardstock..forever and ever amen.
- green grass in the backyard.
- printed pictures and my project life album. feeling connected to the people and the memories contained this those little pockets.
it truly is the littlest things for me. what are you loving right now??
happy weekend friends! xoxox
Kelly, I love all these things too. You are much further ahead in Spring. Even though we had a taste of an early Spring this week with temps in the 70s…but we will be back to the norm of 40 soon enough. Your pictures and calligraphy are always an inspiration. Happy Spring. Margie
thank you so, so much margie!