to say that i bawled my eyes out would be an understatement of the millennium.
part of the reason it got to me was that mother’s day is around the corner and i always get a little nostalgic and weepy when i think about motherhood. but the main reason is that today is my only child’s twenty-third birthday.
nichole doesn’t know it, but t’ve been singing her song for about 23 years now.
today as we celebrate my beautiful girl’s birthday, i am flooded with memories of her life. i can see her first smile. i can see her taking her first steps in front of the restaurant at penn square mall. i remember the day she learned to ride a bike with no training wheels. i remember the day she walked across the stage and received her college diploma.
it went by in a heart beat.
but i don’t want this to be a sad, wistful post because with every passing year, i get to see this beautiful soul grow into an amazing young woman…a heart full of dreams and head full of drive and determination. and today i get to celebrate the joy and happiness that she has brought in our life.
happy birthday sweet girl. i love you so very, very much.
Cried all the way through this when I watched it last night and every time I’ve watched it since. Now you’ve got me crying again! I know how hard motherhood is but looking at the photos of your beautiful girl at all the stages of her life has to make your mother’s heart swell with pride at the same time it feels the sorrow at how fast it all went. You more than anyone I know really “gets” this. I think it’s something that has connected us from the beginning and it is so comforting to know we both feel this so strongly. Kelsey’s birthday coming at the same time as seeing this video had to make the tears flow a little harder but you have raised a beautiful girl, inside and out, and one who loves life and loves her family. That is something to celebrate!
Ok now I’m bawling! Lol. Such a perfect song! Happy happy birthday Kelsey!!!
Wonderful, beautiful, priceless memories. Give Kelsey a birthday hug for me! (we’re still waiting for Campbell to ride a bike without training wheels. sheesh!)
Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. Our oldest is 23 and I remember like it was yesterday when he was born. He’s just two years younger than I was when I had him. How’s that for mind blowing??!!?? : ) Happy Mothers’ Day to you!! xo
~ Wendy