There is more and more evidence that social media (with its skewed version of reality) is having a negative affect on our culture – for adults and children alike. And as someone who puts a decent amount of content out on the interwebs, lately I am feeling the need to temper the ‘pretty’ stuff I share with a strong dose of what is real in my life – the beautiful AND the ordinary.
Hi friends. How are you? How was your Monday? Mine was well…Monday. All day it was. Nothing too terrible or serious…just a Monday.
I thought about trying to weave together some half-way entertaining or insightful post about our weekend. But truth be told – I’m tired today. So I thought instead, I might just share a random list of random things that may or may not be remotely interesting to you.
Sound like fun? Great!
1. As I type this post, Tripp and I have a serious case of dueling laptops going on. He’s working on taxes and I am working on my blog post. Which seems perfectly fair to me. I also took photos with my camera’s timer because I’m a huge help that way.
2. It’s so dreary today, but not complaining because we need the rain so badly. This morning as I walked up to my building, I thought I would try to take a cool pic to post to Instagram. So I got this shot of my umbrella. And then I promptly got tangled up in the revolving door. Because I’m cool like that.
All in the name of art right?
3. Speaking of umbrella pictures, I texted it to my mom who recently got a new cell phone. But she never got it because her texting isn’t working. (#firstworldprobs) So I texted it to my Dad who also has a cell phone to see if it was a problem with Mom’s phone or if it was because there is ZERO cell service where they live. Anyway, my dad got the photo but then he said, “What is this?” And I said, “it’s my umbrella Daddy. at work today. with the rain the background?? see…get it?”
Then I said, “It’s artsy Dad.” To which he repied, “Oh.”
4. My mom got a new cell phone on Friday. She texted me. Then her texting stopped working. Then today she took it to the AT&T store. And then she gave it back. The End.
5. It has just started snowing.
6. I had to give a ‘share the knowledge’ presentation today at work. It was over Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel. Which I think is even less riveting than this blog post. If that’s even possible.
7. Earlier this afternoon Daisy Duke got out and ran off. Apparently when I went out to the front porch to get my Amazon delivery of deco-mesh wreath supplies, I didn’t get the front door shut all the way. So then (I’m assuming) when we got a huge gust of wind, it blew the door open. But I didn’t notice it because I was downstairs on the treadmill. Then as I walked upstairs, I caught the tail end of the message my neighbor was leaving me telling me my front door was wide open and that she saw my dog run out just about the time I saw my front door wide open. In a panic I got in my car and drove around for ten minutes and when I drove back by the house there she was in the front yard.
I was going to put my mad face on and yell at her, but she came up to the car and was all sweet and lovey, so I picked her up started to cry.
I showed her.
8. After that I ate approximately four and half pounds of Archer Farms Monster Trail Mix. #stresseater
9. We had roasted chicken for dinner.
10. My dad hates roasted chicken. He thinks all we eat is roasted chicken. #9 above did not help.
11. I hate taxes.
So with that friends I think I’m going to wrap up this awesome blog post. And see if I can find some chocolate. xoxox
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