A lot has changed since I wrote this blog post back in April 2012. We painted the walls in our bedroom and had the wood floors refinished. We have a new headboard and a new mattress. We have new bedding and new pillows. But, at the same time, nothing has really changed at all – Tripp still kicks out the corners and I still don’t make the bed each morning. More importantly though, I have not forgotten how the practice of gratitude – even for the simplest things – has the power to transform my life.
Editors Note – There will be no photos of Spring flowers in the following blog post. Obnoxious, obsessive flower pictures will resume shortly. <<insert wink here>>
So, over the weekend I washed the sheets on our bed.
{{This is riveting stuff people!!}}
I’m not a big everyday-first-thing-when-I get-up-make-the-bed kinda girl – Tripp and I usually just straighten out the sheets and blanket before we go to bed. But as a homemaker, I think there is certain comfort and delight in this ordinary, mundane task.
When I do make the bed, I approach it like most other household tasks and tend to be an overachiever. (You’re surprised???) I like the top sheet to be perfectly aligned at the head of the mattress and the sides to be exactly the same on each side.
One of the things I love about fresh, clean sheets is that it is the one time when they are actually tucked in at the foot of the bed. Tripp hates tightly tucked sheets because he says it hurts his ankle, so the first thing he does when he gets in the bed is kick the covers at the bottom.
He’s hell on a girl’s perfect hospital corners.
Of course the other thing I love about clean sheets is the fresh from the dryer smell. I am probably the only person on earth who prefers my sheets straight from the dryer rather than straight off the clothesline.
These particular sheets are an Egyptian cotton blend and are super soft (me no likey stiff sheets). Plus they have the great quality of being both warm and snuggly AND they also breathe well and don’t get hot.
I think fresh, clean sheets definitely fall under the heading of life’s simplest pleasures. But even more so…soft sheets, a comfortable bed, and a wonderful spouse to share them with are something to be grateful for. So today I just wanted to take a moment to elevate this very ordinary thing and express some gratitude.
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