Looking back, these are still some of my very favorite photos and I still feel a very strong connection to that time in photography journey. And as I read back through this post, I found myself blinking back tears…I vividly recall the feeling of accomplishment for completing this year long photography project. Mostly though, what I am feeling today is a deep sense of gratitude for that year. Because that was the year that I learned how to really see life from behind the lens. That was the year that I learned to tell the story of my life in photos. That was the year that I became a photographer.
I honestly believe 2013 was the year that changed everything and today I am feeling so, so, so grateful.
Well so before I even begin this blog post I am going to state for the record that I am in complete denial that today is the last day of the year.
However it does seem fitting that today is my regularly scheduled blog post since I am also wrapping up my very first photography 365 project.
A year in photos. Taking one photo everyday. It sounds daunting I know. In all truthfulness, I was a little nervous when I embarked on this journey 364 days ago. My biggest fear? What in the world would I take a picture of everyday? How would I find anything interesting to photograph in my ordinary life on a daily basis?
Turns out…the more I took pictures, the more I found to take pictures of.
Sometimes I found inspiration in adventures such as my trip to Dallas last spring where I got to meet Terri and Leigh in person.
And then sometimes inspiration was right in my own backyard.
One of my goals in taking on this project was to become a better photographer. Because like any endeavor, consistency and practice are the best ways to improve your skill. And so naturally becoming more proficient at nailing exposure and focus was important to me. But even more than that, I wanted to learn how to better capture my ordinary life. The way I saw it in my mind’s eye. My heart’s eye.
It’s interesting, though, what happens when you start training your eye to see the joy and wonder of your everyday life. Because pretty soon, you’ll start seeing it everywhere.
Even when the stresses and frustrations of real life start to bring me down, there is nothing like a photo walk to lift my spirits.
In the course of this past year, my passion for photography is still in its ability to capture and preserve joyful moments. But what I have also discovered is a sincere and profound gratitude for the joy that seeing life from behind the lens can bring.
For the past few weeks I’ve been pondering what’s next for me in my journey with photography. And the funny thing is that I started to get a little bummed out at the idea of not taking a photo a day. But then I thought to myself, who says I have to stop. For me taking a photo everyday has become something of a habit…like exercising or brushing my teeth. It’s sort of the way the I see the world now. The way I see my life.
So now I would love to know…what are your photography plans for the new year? If you happen to be embarking on a photography 365 project, I would like to invite you to share your images with us in our new Focusing on Life 365 Flickr group. I will be there and I would love to connect with you. Because the one thing I know for sure is that the friendships I have made have been one of the greatest blessings in my journey with photography.
So I guess, as they say, that’s a wrap! Today I am bidding farewell to 2013 and the year I became the photographer that I had always hoped I could be. Happy New Year dear friends! Wishing you every joy and blessing in the coming year!

I get warm goose bumps reading your old posts but especially the FOL posts. We did some good stuff, didn’t we? xo
Oh man, yes we did. Really good stuff. xoxo
Oh, as I am new to reading your blog, I am really enjoying reading some of your old posts. This one was especially good. “there is nothing like a photo walk to lift my spirits.” ……. I so agree with this. I did my first 365 photo project last year, and I have come to think of my photo walks as a prayer time. It is so wonderful what my photography has let me see. Thanks for sharing!
thank you for sharing janet! yes, a photowalk as prayer time is exactly how i think of it too. xoxo
Kelly, I too think about stopping my 365. I have been at it as long as you. But it has become such a part of my day. The process grounds me. And the photos are all over the map. Some snapped at the last moment of the day, others make a celebration or an outing. But all resinate within me. I loved your words and the photos that accompanied them. Thank you for this.
Cathy I love knowing that you and I have been sharing this journey for all this years. xoxo
thank you! xoxo