this past weekend, my daughter brought her boyfriend home to visit.
i still not used to saying this..
at any rate, i want to tell you that it was lovely. so very lovely.
colton is kind and polite and it was a complete delight to have him at our home. i enjoyed so much getting to know him a little. i loved so much hearing about his and kelsey’s first date and how they spend their time together. i loved seeing them as a couple.
this is an interesting blog post to write…i’ve been pondering how much to share. and i’ve settled on the fact that details of their relationship are their stories to tell. but going forward, what that looks like in the context of our family and my relationship with my girl…that’s the story i’ll be telling.
since they left sunday afternoon, i’ve been sort of ‘unpacking’ the weekend – it feels significant in a way that i’m having difficulty expressing. and i think it’s because i’m seeing a new dimension to my girl…this side of her that is part of a couple. it is totally unexpected, but in the very best way. i feel like my heart grew a couple of sizes this weekend.
to think that five years ago i was struggling so hard with this idea that the best part of my life was coming to close…that my story on motherhood was coming to a close. and here i am now, feeling like i’m starting to a whole new chapter.
i can’t wait to read what happens next.
love, kelly
It is a beautiful chapter! Enjoy it! So excited for Kelsey! Can’t wait to meet him!!! 🙂
thank you my friend!
I’ve been thinking about this. You know, some chapters are bigger than others. Yep. And yes, it’s hard to articulate it all, nodding in agreement. The big chapters almost defy articulation. I think you’ve done a beautiful job of protecting their privacy but also listening to your own heart and following it as to how and what to post about this new chapter.
I need to tell you one of my “new chapter” stories. So Meghan was almost 5 when Stephen was born. I’d had all that time with her as my only child. We did everything together. It was us together all day, every day. Then along comes the “new chapter” of the birth of Stephen. He’s born, it’s homecoming day and we get home with this two day old baby. I look and look and I can’t find Meghan in the house. Then I see her, out on the porch, with her security blanket draped around her like a shawl, she’s kind of staring at the water, and I say, “Meggie, are you okay?” She nods and says, “Yep. My throat just feels tight.” I thought oh my word, my heart, my heart. There she was, feeling her feelings, her throat tight (the before you cry feeling that she was trying to articulate to me). So yes, some next chapters are bigger than others. Indeed.
You write a beautiful blog, Kelly. And your heart shines in every post. Jeepers, now my throat is tight! Big hug to you.
this is my very favorite thing about blogging…you know that right? thank you for sharing your precious moments and your story. big feels, tight throats…yep it’s all pretty awesome. thank you dear friend. xoxoxo
I love the way you’ve separated out what is theirs to tell, and what is yours to tell.
I really think that is so important, and very special too.
I am so glad that it was a wonderful weekend, and yes, it is a new chapter, and I am sure it will be a very exciting one for everyone.