in ancient times, the process of refining metals like gold and silver was a laborious, dangerous operation. over an intensely hot fire (over 1000 degrees celsius!), the raw gold ore was melted into a giant crucible, and there a skilled craftsman would constantly stir and skim the molten liquid to remove any impurities. this process took hours to complete and only then would the gold be pure enough to market.
crucibles, hot fire, hard work….i’m thinking i should have researched my word, REFINE, a bit more before declaring it to the universe last year.
it seemed simple enough though….a goal to work towards that was actually doable.
i am a true believer that small changes can have a big impact and so REFINE, as it pertains to my {a}rt, is to work on my craft and hone my creative vision.
improve…enhance….hone…yeah….that’s more what i was thinking! such positive words just brimming with inspiring connotations. can’t you just feel it?
but if there is one thing i know, the universe is listening. and if you ask for something, you’re probably going to get it. so you better be careful what you ask for.
i have exactly two posts regarding my word REFINE for the 2015.
turns out, it is ridiculously easy for me to write about inspiration and hope and discovery. it is painfully difficult to share frustration and sadness.
for the past couple of days, i’ve have spent some quiet time reflecting on the year. turns out it wasn’t my {a}rt that needed refining. so i spent some time in the crucible this year… my old friends doubt, comparison, perfectionism fanning the flames. but as difficult as it was, i am choosing to look at it as an opportunity for growth – growth in my faith, growth in my life, growth in my {A}rt.
looking back, i think where i went off track is that i put the making of {a}rt ahead of the living of {A}rt. and i am embarrassed and ashamed to admit this because it’s like i completely forgot all the previous years’ hard work and lessons learned. but today is a new day. and we are on the cusp of a new year. and there new beginnings and second chances.
and there is light and there is grace.
peace, kelly
I think you are being too hard on yourself. Your photography continues to be beautiful, your tried new processing (darker food images), and you are offering a beginner class on exposure. So maybe “refine” wasn’t the right word but your still grew and improved and that is always a good thing.