Oops…better late than never I suppose.
Maybe instead of being a member of the Maple Ridge Garden Club, I should volunteer for the Crazytown Garden Club.
Anyway, it was a pretty day and not too windy (plus I’d been cooped up in the house way too much) so I figured, what the hell – I for sure won’t have any tulips if I don’t plant them.
I started on the side porch first. I usually rotate this area with seasonal color. Here you can see the dead mums I planted a few months ago and never got around to pulling out.
I really love tulips planted en masse and all the same color. This year I chose pink tulips.
This is a first for me….never planted tulips in the snow before. Guess there’s a first time for everything.
After I finished out front, I moved around to the back yard. I bought a bag of yellow tulips for the planters around our back porch.
And I bought a bag of yellow narcissus bulbs to plant in this flowerbed.
But before I could get started I had to fill in this ginormous hole.
Can I interest anyone in an eight a year-old Bassett Hound? He smells like dirty feet and has paws the size of cup saucers…
…but other than that he’s a great dog! Just look at that face!
Oh, who am I kidding. I love this dog. He keeps my seat on the couch warm for me.
Anyway, once I got the giant crater filled it was pretty easy to get these bulbs planted. It’s partially protected so it didn’t have the blanket of snow like the front flowerbeds.
I’m crossing my fingers that it’s not too late. I guess if they can sprout in a bag sitting on the porch, there’s a fair chance they can make in the dirt where they belong.
One more reason to look forward to spring!!
Peace, Kelly
[…] I did it again. I procrastinated and once again I ended up planted tulip bulbs in January. But at least it’s been nice weather I didn’t have to plant in the snow like last year! […]