According to my favorite Oklahoma weather meme, we are currently in what is known as the Spring of Deception. Which, in case you were curious, it is the season after Fool’s Spring and 2nd Winter, but before the 3rd Winter.

Because of this, I should know better than to get my hopes too high about spring being right around the corner. However, seeing all the new growth on my @davidaustinroses this morning just gave me all the feels.

And so therefore I have decided to throw all caution to the wind and just allow myself to be filled with a ridiculous happiness at the sight of these tender sprouts. Just revel in the absolute joy of it.
Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.
Henri J.M. Nouwen
If you’re thinking it’s foolish to be so joyful about one glorious spring-like day when you know that winter isn’t over yet, I would say you’re not wrong. Cold weather and gloomy days will return.
And I am choosing joy anyway.

I live in Oklahoma so I can relate to the 13 seasons. Try planning an outdoor Easter sunrise service..
oooh. i can imagine how difficult that would be! here’s hoping for a beautiful day!