- rannunculus
- ranunnculus
- ranuculus
- ranuncullus
- ranculus
and i have used each of these at least once since i bought this beautiful bunch on tuesday. may i present to you exhibit a…
because i’m cool like that.
in case you were wondering, i’m also adding {say it with me now!} r a n u n c u l u s to the list of things i’ve purchased just for the sheer joy of photographing it.
- ranunculus
- blueberries
- gerbera daisies
- anthropologie teacups
- paper straws
- vintage bottles and jars
anyway, like i said i bought these beauties at a local florist on tuesday and since then i have taken approximately 264 (give or take) pictures of them. because seriously…ranunculus are just beautiful.
the most extraordinary thing about them, in my opinion, are the petals. layers and layers of silky petals.
i mean just look at how creamy and delicate these are.
utterly amazing. and quite photogenic if you ask me.
and so now that we’ve had our spelling lesson for today, i think i’ll sign off.
happy friday my friends!
love, kelly
You forgot and old chair on that list!! Hahahaha those flowers (I’m not going to even try to spell the “r” word!) bahahaha I haven’t got to practice what you taught me at the beach for a while! I’m thinking I need to practice this weekend for FUN!!! 🙂
I forgot to add are beautiful!!! Hahahaha can you tell I’m tired!!! 🙂
Your (r a n u n c u l u s) are breathtaking! Oh, and your calligraphy is absolutely amazing – I took a course in calligraphy once and I can appreciate your skill.
Gorgeous images! I love ranunculus – now, if i knew how to pronounce the word (ha!). Have a wonderful weekend!
My fav flower to photograph…and your list exactly matches my list!!
It seems like such a clunky word for such a delicately petaled flower doesn’t it? All I know, is that I would like to throw a temper tantrum because we do not have a TJ’s and my grocery store does not carry them….but I’m on a mission….because they are probably next to the Tulip my very favorite to photograph as well. You did them proud!
Love, love, love!!
Lucky me! Two Kelly posts in one day. {Could be because I am a day behind!} Ranunculus are beautiful and I’ve never been able to find them. Maybe I should try a florist instead of a grocery. {Do ya think?} Fun post today and beautiful ranunculus. {See, I’m practicing my spelling word!} Have a great weekend, my friend. xo
Yes “ranunculus” is a hard word to spell. Funny how you had so many different spellings. – These are quite lovely. I love them too because of all the layers upon layers of petals they have. Such a pretty flower.
kelly… i’m so jealous….
i can’t get ranunculus around here… i believe they are truly the most BEAUTIFUL flower….
and your photos are GORGEOUS….
thanks for stopping by and linking to FF.
I love and adore those flowers as well! I think they are just divine!
Stunning photos and flowers. Thanks to you, when I saw a bunch of these lovelies at the grocery this weekend, I bought them. Now I have lots of fun snapping my own!
I love ranunculus (3 U’s, right?)! My father always grew them, and they were my favorites. I haven’t seen them for years- wondering if I could find them at a florist’s??? Your images are beautiful- and knowing they are ranunculus makes them even better!
I’m not even going to attempt to spell the name of these lovely flowers! I’ll just say these images of them are breathtaking. I love how soft they look and their many layers!