around here i’ve been spending the past several weeks getting the flowerbeds ready for summmer. replacing the pansies with impatiens and begonias. adding color to my porch pots.
you know those nights when you have to scrub the mud off in the shower before you can get in bed? yeah…that. i love it. i love being outside, away from the computer, and noise. but happy to have it done and now ready to be in the ‘sit back and look at my pretty flowers’ phase.
around here the peonies have come and gone.
peony season is basically like this:: watch and wait for the buds to open for a month. then they finally (!!) bloom. then a week later all the petals fall off. but it’s ok. because while they were inside my whole kitchen smelled like peony heaven.
around here peony season has given way to hydrangeas and daylilies.
around here the drought is official over. weeks and weeks of regular (sometimes heavy) rain has quenched our parched state. rivers and lakes are coming back to regular levels.
around here the rain is doing wonders for the grass in the backyard that tripp has been working so hard on.
around here we are harvesting our first ever crop of strawberries. a bumper crop at that!
we’ve been eating strawberry everything. and i’ve now frozen some as well. thinking about trying this jam recipe. and maybe some dacquiris!
around here i have been bitten by the succulent bug.
i’ll share more about this later, but they definitely fall in the category of plants i’ve bought because i they are so photogenic.
around here my dogs still like to dig in my flowerbeds.
around here life feels full. but if i’m being really honest, this week has seemed exceptionally full – overflowing – a little too much. sort of like the rain lately. and feel like i’ve been barely treading water. times like these are when i am completely grateful for this guy.
for letting me vent and picking up the slack.
around here i am looking forward to getting back into a more regular routine. looking forward to summer and golden hour walks and daisies and all the magic that summer holds.
so that’s what is going on around here… what’s new with you? how are things in your neck of the woods?
Thanks for sharing all the lovely shots of your area. Around here the leaves are not fully out yet and the black flies (the curse of Maine) are in full swarm mode. They come out from May 1-June 1, just when it starts getting warm enough to enjoy it. I have gotten a few shots of the glorious apple blossoms and quince bushes though.
i’m happy to hear that you’re finally getting some much deserved spring weather karen! even though our spring blossoms have faded, it’s always so nice to get to relieve it through photos of my friends’ gardens! 🙂
Looks like you’ve been very busy! You are so going to love those flowers all summer! I’ve planted my lantana and a few pots. We’ve added new bark to my shade gardens, so they look so much better. We’ve had the rain, too, my hostas are loving it!
oh i can just imagine how beautiful your hostas must be. and with new mulch too! isn’t it always amazing how just adding new mulch makes flowerbeds look brand new? xoxo
I live in New England, so around my neck of the woods spring was slow in getting here. Lilacs are just coming out and trees are covered with pink and white blossoms. We will wait quite a while for strawberries and vine ripe tomatoes. Thanks for sharing. It’s always nice visiting somebody’s else’s home via their blog. Enjoy!