around here, we are enjoying our first real taste of fall weather. tripp and i faced a stiff north wind on our run this morning. long-sleeved t-shirts for the win!
around here, the leaves on my dogwood are starting to change. they are always the first ones to show color and i swear that it happened overnight.
around here the monarchs have returned. be. still. my. heart.
around here, i am finally getting the kitchen put back together and putting stuff on the walls. we’re still looking to replace the light fixture over the bar and re-do the backspash, but for the most part it feels like my kitchen again.
around here, i have been sleeping so well. i’m almost afraid to say this out loud…but oh i am so, so thankful. it makes everything in my life so much better.
around here, i am embracing autumn with open arms. which considering how hard it was to let go of summer feels like a victory in and of itself. but between the cool mornings and the lovely afternoons and the butterflies and the red berries and sleeping with the window open….i’m totally itching to get some mums planted and put on a big pot of soup.
around here, life is good. hoping the same for you.
love, kelly
You had me at Monarch! Beautiful photos Kelly.
thank you so much friend! happy friday to you! xoxo