around here, we are having the last bit of wood floor redone in our upstairs. sunday night we moved everything out of the two bedrooms and my office where it currently resides in the main bathroom and our bedroom. which is all kinds of awesome <<<<not. my house is sort of like if that movie the hot zone and the tv show hoarders had a baby. but my absolute favorite thing is having the cat’s litter box in our bathroom. because who wouldn’t love stepping on tiny bits of gravel first thing in the morning? or having said bits of gravel in their fuzzy slippers. or socks. or shoes. or bra (don’t ask).
note…please try not be jealous.
around here, we got our first taste of storm season. wednesday night tripp and i had just got back from our evening run when the tornado sirens started blaring. #perfecttiming it fired up just on the north side of downtown tulsa. and then a tornado touched down near the airport where it hopped along through my hometown and the neighboring towns. my Facebook feed looked like an episode of storm chasers with all my hometown friends sharing pictures and videos of the tornado. there was a good bit of damage to the homes in that area, but thankfully there were no deaths reported.
oh….there was also a magnitude 4.2 earthquake monday night.
<<<<dear oklahoma…really????>>>>>
on a more positive note however, around here spring is really showing off. the dogwoods, azaleas, clematis (oh my!) are in full, glorious bloom. every year about this time i declare that redbuds are my favorite. until dogwoods bloom. or until the next wonderful thing blooms. which is everything i love about spring. so much beauty in every direction.
around here this beauty is a welcome sight when every other news story is another education budget cut or terrorist attack. or violent storm. or heartache. or global warming and further decline of honeybees and monarch butterflies.
but this is what life is, right?? …beauty in the middle of the mess. peace in the storms. being fully present in all of it. helping where and when we can. praying and trusting when and where we can’t.
around here, as always, feeling so grateful to you for letting me share all of it with you.
happy weekend friends! love, kelly
Beautiful! The weather has definitely been a bit wonky lately, I fear what the summer will hold for us.
This is definitely what life is about. Some days I handle it better than others. Helping others and praying certainly helps. : ) Your photos are beautiful as always!!
~ Wendy