Around here, Winter has unofficially arrived. We’ve had two hard freezes in a row so what leaves that were left on the trees are tumbling to ground, leaving a colorful, carpet of confetti. (Say that 10 times fast!) I really don’t mind the cold though…it feels like Christmas. Now if we could just get some snow!
Around here, I am still smiling from having my girlfriends over for our annual Christmas bunco night! I am so grateful to them for all of the laughter and the light and happiness that they bring to my life.
Around here, my sweet boy Riley seems to be getting around better and feeling more like himself. He had a couple of rough days earlier in the week…a hitch in his gitalong (as my dad would say). But lots of doggie meds and some extra TLC seem to be helping.
Around here, I am happy to have my girl home for a few days. We are looking forward to some play time this afternoon and spending some time with Tripp’s family tomorrow. ‘Tis the season!
Around here, I am completely OBSESSED with battery-powered twinkle lights! #1) twinkle lights, duh. #2) you can put them anywhere! Which if you happen to a) have a very old house with very limited access electrical sockets, and b) are a freak about cords and plugs showing, this my friends is a total GAMECHANGER. Twinkle and magic and joy wherever you want to put it! No cords! The only downside is the metric ton of AA batteries that I had to buy to keep them all going. I’m guessing the Energizer bunny was the brains behind this deal.
Around here, my December Daily album is coming along. Every inch of my office is coated in a fine dusting of gold embossing powder (emboss all the things!!) and I haven’t seen the top of my craft table in a while. But I don’t even care. #sparklebutt However I am going to try to create at least one page this year without a spelling error.
Around here, I have all of my decorations put up – well…not ALL of my decorations, but all the ones that I wanted to put up. Which is probably half of what I have done in the past. But interestingly enough, I have twice as much Christmas spirit. Love the math on that one.
So with that I’m going to sign off. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of all kinds of Christmas spirit!
Love, Kelly
My favorite post yet and I love them all. Happy holidays. xoxo