Around here we turned on the heater this morning for the first time this season. The north wind is howling and there is a freeze warning in effect for tonight. And I’m secretly in heaven. Which I know…ask me how I feel about this come February. But for today I’m totally digging this fall vibe. Thinking I might go dig out my flannel shirts and fuzzy scarves to celebrate.
Around here, I rescued this one last, lone dahlia bloom from said freezing weather. And thank you in advance for not noticing my dirty kitchen window.
Around here, my sweet girl Daisy is doing great after having a giant skin tag taken off her eyelid a couple of weeks ago. You guys. That cone was horrible. I know that no dog is a big fan of them, but Riley never seemed to get all that worked up about it (I guess one could argue that Riley rarely got too worked up about anything…except the mailman. And food.) But poor Daisy-Duke. It was like she was a totally different dog…her personality completely changed. She acted like she was being punished and would hardly move with the cone on. Don’t tell the vet, but I didn’t make her wear it all the time. Anyway I am happy to report that she got her stitches out yesterday and is healed up like a champ!
Around here Poppy is getting more and more adventurous. We let her outside in the morning before we leave for work and again in the afternoon. She’s become quite fond of sitting on the fence by the peach tree – which thinking ahead to peach season might be a really good thing!
Around here, we are eating more soup thanks to the cooler weather. I made this tomato soup Wednesday night with tomatoes from our garden. Now before you get jealous thinking that we have currently have tomatoes growing, a couple of months ago, Tripp had pulled out our giant tomato bush which resembled less like a garden plant than it did something more like Little Shop of Horrors. A giant tomato bush that didn’t give us one ripe tomato all season I might add. But as he pulled it out, he discovered about 25 green tomatoes were left behind and he brought them in thinking I could make something with them. Fried Green Tomatoes??? I had no idea. So they just sat there on the counter for a week or so and gradually, about 10 of them started turning red. So I decided to try my hand at making tomato soup! And it was delicious! I then decided to see if the other tomatoes would ripen and can you believe it? Over time they all ripened! About six at a time. So with each batch of ripe tomatoes, I did the roasting step in the recipe and then placed them in a storage bag and put them in the freezer. This past Wednesday I made the same soup with my frozen, roasted tomatoes and it was awesome! So delicious! Especially with the cheesy toasts I served along with.
Around here we are gearing up for another big OU football game. Which is means that I am gearing up for another nail-biting, cuticle-picking evening of cheering on Tripp’s beloved Sooners.
Around here life is good. Completely ordinary. But in the most wonderful sense of the word.
Love, Kelly
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