Around here I am officially over winter. The winter blahs have set in…and for me that means my photography feels totally uninspired. These cold, gray February days have me dreaming of evening walks and pretty golden hour light. And where in January, I was happy and content to stay ‘holed-up’ inside, now all I want to is to be outside digging in the dirt and taking pictures of my garden.
Can I get an ‘Amen’!
Around here we are watching the Winter Olympics in the evenings after dinner. I watch in awe as the athletes perform these amazing feats that seem to defy the laws of physics. I have so much admiration and respect for the work and time that goes into preparing for a few minutes (or even seconds) of an individual event. This year in particular though, I find myself marveling at how YOUNG the athletes are! Which also means how old I AM! Which is further evidenced by the way I audibly gasp every time a skater flings himself/herself into the air and lands on a narrow blade of steel on a slippery plate of ice. Which then causes Tripp to look at me over the top of his reading glasses and ask me if I’m going to be OK.
Around here I am eating Cuties (and/or Halos) like they are going out of style. And after 30 days with no sugar, I have a new appreciation for their natural sweetness.
Around here Valentine’s Day came and went with little fanfare. Our family isn’t one for extravagant gifts or grand gestures..instead we prefer to show our love to each other in small ways every day. But some pretty flowers and homemade treats are certainly a sweet reminder of that.
Around here, life is pretty quiet. With Lent having commenced this week, I appreciate the time for quiet reflection and spiritual renewal. Especially during those times when the suffering of the world feels overwhelming. I am grateful for this opportunity to find ways of deepening my own faith while continuing to offer my prayers of hope and peace to the world.
Love, Kelly
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