so how are you? how was your week? staying warm i hope!
around here, all is well. going back to work on monday was not as brutal as i had expected.
around here, it feels good getting back into a routine actually. feels good to detox from my holiday …shall we say…. indulgences. and as much as i hate the dreadmill, it feels good to run.
around here, i know it might sound weird…how a regular routine is so comforting to me. to some i suppose it might feel like a ball and chain. but to me it’s like a favorite sweater.
around here, i am back to focusing on ordinary moments.
around here, i am insanely grateful for my coffee pot’s auto-timer feature. totally putting it on my list of top ten greatest inventions of the 20th century. probably after penicillin, but before
around here, i am completely smitten with my new calligraphy brush pen. a soft, tombow fudenosuke.
say that ten times fast….
note to self…probably best not to practice calligraphy after three cups of coffee.
around here, it was a completely ordinary week.
around here, i feel like i’m getting my groove back.
hope you all have a wonderful weekend! love, kelly
I’m getting ready to go back to work Monday. I’m kinda ready and kinda not!! Yeah for ordinary moments-that become extraordinary
I look forward to your post and beautiful photos; your lighting and subject matter is the “BEST!” In my world, my life is more, “Are We There Yet?” Or, I am always looking “around here.” Thank you for making this Friday brighter!
Sounds like the best kind of week to me! I do get the need for routine, I do better with routine, too. And that is one of the biggest challenges of being retired.
these images are all so beautiful, kelly. warm, lovely, darkish and cozy. the older i get the more i find comfort in routine… i used to buck the idea like crazy. and yes to the coffee pot starting before i get up… it’s the best thing evah!!
Getting back into a “normal” routine after the holidays is always nice. It’s been that kind of a week here too. – I enjoyed your photos. The sunset was gorgeous, we’ve had some beautiful ones here lately two. I posted a couple in Friday’s post.
Your dog is such a cutie pie.
Have a lovely weekend.
thank you so much ida!