Hey friends. Happy Friday! I know it’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve been here so I thought I might catch you up on life around here and some of the things I am feeling grateful for right now.
Around here we are in peak season for fall color, and I am reminded of this post that I wrote several years ago. I was thinking about this on my walk recently. About those times when change has been forced upon me (hello empty-nest), but how in the wake of that emptiness, this other new creative aspect to my life revealed itself. I also think that sometimes we have the opportunity to choose change for ourselves. For me right now that looks like saying no to some things (some good things) to make space for other new things to come into view. I am so very grateful for the seasons and the science of the natural world. I am forever its student because I love the way it continues to teach me about the nature of life.
Around here we’ve reached that point in the season where there are as many leaves on the ground as there are on the trees. It’s always a little bittersweet knowing that this season is coming to and end, but I am also grateful for the beauty and the magic in the process.
Around here we survived the ‘big arctic blast’ that roared through here earlier in the week. Lots of time inside has me feeling grateful for my warm and cozy home…frosted up windows and all.
Around I am feeling grateful for the gift of photography in my life. They are a bit like the chicken and the egg for me. As I grew in one, I found myself growing in the other. Photography gave me a profound appreciation for the wonders of nature and in turn, my grateful heart continues to give me eyes to see the tiny miracles present in my everyday life.
Around here I am grateful for this girl and this smile and these eyes. When I think back to this post, I have to laugh at myself because I’ve probably taken more picture of her in the past nine years than I did the eighteen years she lived un my roof. For me, I think that’s where the power of gratitude lies…changing the narrative in my head from endings to possibilities.
Around here I am grateful for this guy. We celebrated his birthday over the weekend with family and friends. These weekends together have become precious to me in this season of him commuting for work.

Around here I am grateful for my physical body and my overall wellness. I am grateful for the freedom to move and go and do most of things I want to do. This body allows me a front row seat to nature and life and love and connection. And I do not take it for granted.

Around here I am forever grateful for my teeny corner of the inter webs. For the creative outlet it provides and for opportunity to express myself. And as always, I am so very grateful to you for continuing to visit me here or allowing me into your inbox. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to share my stories with you.
Love, Kelly
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