Here is what it boils down to…I am a fixer. A problem solver. A git-er-done kind of girl.
{Random sidenote…as i just typed that line, all I could think about was the line of from the song Ice, Ice Baby – “If there was a problem Yo, I’ll solve it.”}
Please….I know…don’t say it.
At any rate, my problem solving abilities have been working overtime on leaky pool pumps, my dog’s bladder infection, flea bites on my ankles, historical preservation permits, trying to get Alt-Text to show up in my image metadata, directional survey problems (real job), gamma ray curves that won’t post right (ditto), email problems (my website), what to make for dinner, pants that are tight, projects lingering unfinished….I mean the list could go on and on.
And then there are the “real” problems that I find myself needing to fix. Note that I didn’t say “I need to fix them”…because most of these problems aren’t even my problems and they certainly aren’t my job to fix. But that doesn’t stop me from trying. And my head hurts just thinking about. Because that’s all I’ve been doing is thinking about it.
My head is tired and my heart is hurting…it’s familiar territory. And I know from previous experience that pretending and hiding out in a glass of wine, Netflix, and/or Pinterest-igram is not the antidote. So instead I took a walk.
There is something totally different for me between running and walking. They are both incredibly therapeutic…but today I needed to just walk…to just be…no pushing and striving. Just to let solitude and nature and sunshine and the outdoors work their magic.
And it made all the difference.
Peace, Kelly
I think there has been something in the air the last few weeks that has turned everything upside down! I am sorry you have had a really stressful week. Just know I love you! And I think you are pretty awesome even if you can’t (and don’t need to) fix everything! MUAH and BIG (((((((HUG)))))))))
thank you so much friend. i knew that you would totally understand this. big smoochy hug right backatcha.
Walking and finding beauty in nature, YES, the perfect healing activity! Sorry your week was stressful! I hope you have a relaxing weekend!