saturday morning, instead of our usual four-mile run, tripp suggested that we take a walk instead. and so with that being the case, i opted to bring my camera. because it is a beautiful time of year to live in tulsa.
our saturday walk took us through swan lake and woodward park. a mini-adventure through the linnaeus garden and the arboretum. spring is in full swing in my neck of the woods and it is a joy to behold.
i love running…well….no…let me rephrase that. i love how i feel after running. i love the clearheaded feeling that i get from running. but there is something about walking. something about the slower pace and presence of mind that is equally exhilarating.
i also love that while walking, i can carry on a meaningful conversation. because when i run, i’m usually zoned out – even with tripp it’s still a solitary activity. but walking is companionship and connection. holding hands and a laugh and a smile.
thank you saturday.
just beautiful !!!
thanks jennifer!!
Seems you are having a most beautiful spring, gorgeous images. And I agree with your thoughts on running/walking.
susan we are!! seems the past few years have been so dry or we’ve had a horrible cold snap right when everything is coming out. just trying to soak it all up!
So much spring! Ours is coming but yours is ahead. And such a beautiful place to walk!
i hope your spring is as wonderful as ours has been!
How nice. -and i havent been here in a while -I love your banner!
thank you so much my friend. i always love when you come to visit. xo
Love this!
Thanks for sharing your Saturday with us Kelly. I love the dreamy quality in each of your images. Just a bit of diffused light. So lovely.