We’ve been using it for about a month now, and after approximately 120 teethbrushings, 60 showers, and 20 blow-dries, I am still just as happy as I was after the first time I shaved my legs in the new shower.
There is one other thing I really love about this bathroom. But it’s a secret…you can’t tell Tripp okay.
I really love my stacking washer and dryer.
Why can’t you tell Tripp? Well, you see as much as I love and adore my darling husband – we don’t always see eye-to-eye. In fact, like most married couples, we disagree from time to time. As was the case with the washer and dryer.
Let me back up a little.
After the pipe burst last winter and it became clear that we were going to have to renovate the bathroom, Tripp and I started brainstorming and talking about what kinds of features we’d like to have in our master bathroom. We both agreed on a tiled, walk-in shower; a dual-sink vanity; and combining our two small, dysfunctional closets into one large walk-in closet. In addition, at the top of my list were classic styling and good lighting, whereas Tripp’s main concern was functionality and value. (This is a pretty typical scenario for us in just about every renovation project we’ve tackled. Me-form, Tripp-function.) Anyway, when our contractor first came over to discuss plans and layouts, Tripp expressed his desire to include a space for a stacking washer and dryer.
Please notice that I said Tripp’s desire. That’s because I was not interested in having a washer and dryer upstairs. Tripp’s rationale was that it would #1 – add to the re-sale value of our home should we ever have to sell (several of the other homes in our neighborhood with newer master suites have stacking washer/dryer setups) and #2 – help me so that I wouldn’t have to haul laundry baskets up and down two flights of stairs. (I’m going to leave that whole division of labor/woman’s job thing alone for right now.) My rationale was that I hate laundry, so why would I want a constant reminder of the chore I hate most in the middle of my beautiful new master suite?
A week or so later, our contractor came over with a sketch and game plan for our bathroom. He configured a small space next to the shower for the stacking washer and dryer. He assured me that it would be completely built-in and I would not have to look at the ugly beast every morning while putting on my makeup. Tripp thought it was a perfect setup and convinced me that it was the right thing to do. And that it would make my life so much easier (again, letting this one go).
So the bathroom progressed and I was still going along with the whole washer/dryer concept. That is until the drywall in the bathroom went up. Because once I could really visualize the space, I felt like the washer/dryer unit was going to compromise the open, airy, light feeling of our bathroom. At that time I expressed my concern to Tripp by asking, “Dear, do you think the washer/dryer is going to make the bathroom feel cramped?” Notice I did not assert myself by saying, “Dear, I think the w/d is going to make the bathroom too cramped.” Not surprisingly, Tripp did not intuit my assertiveness and responded to my question by saying, “It’ll be fine, Babe.”
Fast forward two more weeks. The drywall was close to finished and the plumbing and electrical outlets were installed for the washer and dryer. Once again, I unassertively questioned Tripp, “Are you sure that the w/d is not going to to be too big.” Only this time, Tripp looked at me as said, “Why do you keep asking?” I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say, our conversation took a serious turn for the worse until Tripp, completely exasperated, said to me, “It’s a little late for you to be bringing this up now.”
At this point, I may or may not have done the following:
- burst into tears
- stomped out of the rooms
- marched downstairs
- given Tripp the silent treatment all evening
I never said that I was always the most mature, rational member of this family.
Anyway, all is well that ends well. And as our contractor promised, the washer and dryer are neatly tucked away inside a beautiful, custom cabinet. They are incredibly efficient and quiet. And although I will never admit this to my darling husband, it has made doing laundry much easier. I have been *gasp* keeping up and actually doing smaller loads more often so that I don’t have 10 loads waiting for me on Sunday afternoons.
I’m only going to say this once so get ready – Tripp was right.
Seriously though…you can’t tell him I said that because it could have far-reaching ramifications. Tripp being right about the washer and dryer might make him think he’s right about other things. Like his crazy assertion that I don’t need any more shoes and that we don’t have room in the guest bedroom for a craft area/scrapbooking niche.
This is our little secret okay? Thanks!!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to measure the empty wall in the guest bedroom.
Peace, Kelly
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