so ok. here goes….get ready.
{{{big deep breath}}}
please don’t freak out.
{{{clearing my throat}}}
ok. here it is…
i am a blogger.
i know, i know. no one was more surprised…wait….what??? you already knew that? how did you know?? oh you mean because i have this blog out here on the interwebs? and because i talk about my life and share pictures of stuff i love?
oooohhhhh…right….it’s all coming together now.
you know, it’s interesting…this blogging thing. when i started out, my intention was to document my life…find joy and beauty in my ordinary, everyday. which i for the most part i have. but what is really great is that along this journey, i have met some amazing people out in cyber-land. like minded friends who share some of the same passions that i do. other bloggers like me who enjoy sharing their everyday. it’s so great.
so if you’re like me and enjoy reading blogs at all, you’ve probably run into the same problem…how to keep up with them. maybe you have a list in your bookmarks or favorites bar of your particular internet browser. or you might even have one of the many ‘feed readers’ out there. which is what i did for the longest time with my google reader. but then a couple of months ago i get a message that google is discontinuing their reader application.
{insert wailing here}
i looked into a few of the other feed reading site, but then one day i noticed that i had several referrals to my blog from a particular website. and that’s how i discovered
{insert choir of angels here}
bloglovin’ is really just about the greatest thing since sliced bread. it’s the bee’s knees. it’s a great way to follow all the blogs and sites that you enjoy. plus it’s kinda, sorta like pinterest where you can also search other blogs in various categories.
i believe you can either sign up with your facebook or (this is what i did) create a login with your email address. then it’s just a matter of searching for your favorite blogs and websites and clicking the ‘follow’ button.
there are all kinds of great settings for managing your websites. you can group them together which is cool. you can even find your friends and see which blogs they like to follow. again kinda like pinterest with that social media aspect. they even have an app for smart phones and ipads.
anyway, i have found it to be a really great way to keep up with my favorite sites on the old ‘www’ and thought i would share it with you.
oh and one other thing…
***warning!! shameless blog self-promotion here ahead!!!***
my humble little corner of the web can also be found on bloglovin’.
and because i love you so much and to make it easy on you, i installed this cool little button in the sidebar of my blog.
and so if bloglovin’ isn’t exactly your cup of tea but you’d still like an easy way to keep up with my cat’s hairball problems or see pictures of my new, old chair you can A) sign up to receive my blog posts via email. and i mean who wouldn’t want to see that in their inbox. i mean really. or B) you can ‘like’ my page on facebook. i do a pretty decent job of keeping up with that. but if your main social media outlet is twitter, well then i’m sorry but you are just out of luck because i am bad at twitter and gave up.
honestly i could do a whole blog post about how terrible i am at social media in general.
anyway, just wanted to pass along something that has made my life a little easier. and as always, please know how grateful i am for allowing me to share my life with you.
love, kelly
You can follow me on Bloglovin’. I’m so happy with it!! I switched a while back and really like the ease of following my favorite blogs. I didn’t know about the little button. I’ll have to add that to my blog. I really haven’t checked out all that’s available, so thanks for the info. It is much easier than the old way; some under favorites, some on the favorite bar, some by RSS feed and some by email! I would stay totally confused. Have a great weekend!