For the past ten (!!!) years I have been sharing monthly desktop calendars on my website. Making these calendars combines my love of playing with flowers and paper and my vintage treasures, and I love the feeling I get from being fully immersed in the creative process.
Sidenote: If you are interested, last year I shared a behind the scenes look at my process for creating the flat-lay photo that serves as the base for these calendars.

Anyway, for this month’s calendar, I included some fun little mixed media paper hearts that I created.

Mixed media painting isn’t something I do too much of, but I find that this time of year it’s a nice creative outlet when I can’t really work in the yard. And I think what I enjoy so much about it is the mix of color and pattern and working with my hands. It kind of scratches that same itch of growing and tending to flowers I guess.
Anyway, I started by creating one large painted paper and then cut it down into smaller pieces. Then Pinterest came through (I know…don’t say it) with some cute ideas for heart garlands, so I cut out some heart shapes and added a few more doodles to them here and there. Then I strung them on a piece of twine and marveled at the cuteness of it.

Seriously, the whole process was PURE BLISS.

Working with my hands has always had that effect on me, so I got curious and asked the interwebs about it. And as it turns out, there is some real science about why that it is.
According to Dr. Kelly Lambert, when we use our hands to make things it activates a process in the brain called the “effort driven reward circuit.” And I was surprised to learn that this activity occupies a larger area of the brain than that of movements using our legs or back. Which makes perfect sense when you consider that our growth and survival as a species has depended upon our ability to make tools with our hands.
Another interesting thing I learned was that when we make things with our hands, our brains start secreting neurochemical chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin (the pleasure chemicals) which in turn helps increase positive emotions and decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
All of this is to say that our brains are hardwired to find deep satisfaction and enjoyment in physical activities that include our hands and product something tangible and meaningful.

In simplest terms, making things with our hands is good for our brains and mental well-being. Something I have known in my body for a long time, but I love knowing a little more about the science of that experience.
So to all my maker friends, whether you make scrapbook pages, baked goods, watercolor paintings, floral arrangements, or any other kind of craft, keep doing what you’re doing. It’s so good for you – body, mind, and spirit.
Love, Kelly
P.S. If you would like to follow me down the same creative rabbit hole, be sure to check out the YouTube channels of Erin Bishop and Denise Love for serious mixed-media inspiration.
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