by the looks of it, the elementary school near my house is back in session too. cars parked up and down the street. the sidewalk is full of moms with strollers and/or toddlers in tow walking their little ones to class. getting back into that familiar school-year routine.
i’m kind of getting back into the groove as well. getting back into the familiar rhythm of my days.
to be honest, it takes me a bit to transition from ‘full-house’ to ‘empty-nester’. but the good news is that whether it’s a waltz or a two-step,life is good. because either way…i’m still dancing.
love, the dancing queen.
It’s funny, even with no one in my house tied to a school calendar, I still feel like September, rather than January, marks the start of a new year. It’s when I make the equivalent of new years resolutions – really just setting goals for myself for the upcoming months. Happy dancing!!
I know the feeling well! Even though we have no school routine in our house, things just seem to settle down when September arrives!
Even the dishes in the kitchen look good!!! Love the post
i’m in that same transition stage today. my girl is back at school, the boy has been at school now for 4 days already . . . feel kinda at loose ends today. but by next week, i bet, i’ll have my days sorted out again. ; )