i mean honestly…i have no words.
i love this time of year for the glory that makes a regular appearance at sunset. i know it is just because the sun happens to be to setting in the part of the sky. but to me, it is a watercolor painting right outside my kitchen window. fine art courtesy of my Heavenly Father.
now the scientist in me knows that the amazing color of the sky can be attributed to the sun’s relationship to the earth and the angles at which the light hits the earths atmosphere. a bunch of laws of physics and astronomy. it’s an ordinary occurrence that has taken place billions of times.
but the spirit in me *knows* that this glorious moment is nothing short of miraculous. the spirit in me believes that God is responsible for this extraordinary turn of events that puts the sun in the sky and makes this life on earth possible. He creates this magic at sunset.
and if the color of the sky wasn’t enough, throw in a few clouds and it takes a sunset to a whole new level of wonder and amazement. it is as if the clouds are bearing witness…basking in the glow of the light. reflecting the glory of the sun. and isn’t that the case with all of creation really? doesn’t it all exist to reflects God’s glory?
in her book a million little ways, emily writes that we were created in our Father’s image. but not only that, we are His ‘masterpiece’…His ‘poem’. and this tells us something about our identity and our purpose.
at the most basic level of our identity, your job and my job is to be a poem, the image bearers of God, made to reflect His glory…this is our highest purpose and, ultimately, our greatest joy.
i love this.
i love that i no longer have to worry about what i need to do or who i need to be to fulfill my purpose. i love that it doesn’t have to be grand or important. but that it can just be me…the person God created me to be. living my very ordinary life. that is enough.
take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. romans 12:1 (msg)
so here i am.
today i am finishing my 31 day series. it’s not that didn’t know it already, but there is something about seeing my journey from this perspective…it’s like it’s not just my story, but it is also God’s story. the story of God working through me, leading me to place in my life. a place of peace and joy.
because of this journey, i have finally found the gratification i have been searching for. because of this journey i have found my identity and my purpose.
and at the end of the day, my hope is that somehow…in my ordinary life… i can reflect His goodness and glory.
thank you so much for joining me on my 31 day writing challenge. to see all of the posts in this series, please click here. and if you would like to receive future posts via email, you can subscribe here.
from the archives
It’s been a beautiful 31 days Kelly. I’ve enjoyed every post. Thank you for sharing. Xo
A beautiful ‘series’, Kelly, and you did an incredible job. Kudos. And big hugs just for being ‘you’!
Thank you for sharing with us. I really enjoyed the series, sweetie. I know I didn’t comment each time, but you always gave me something to think about or a new perspective. So, thank you.
This would make a lovely book. You should really think about it. It will help Kelsey one day when she finds herself at this point in her life. Thank you for taking us all through the process of finding ourselves after children. I felt sadness, fear, loneliness, numbness, rebirth, joy, graditude, love and finally contentment in your words. I cried again longing for my little girl but this time with a full and grateful heart over the exceptional woman she became and for the most excellent gifts that came from letting go. My title now is “nanny” and my heart is finally at peace. God is good all the time..!
May this wonderful fall day find you full of joy, love and peace!
This October 2013 has been a special journey for a lot of your followers, including your old mother, sis. I am so very proud of you, so grateful for being allowed to be your mom, so proud of the woman you’ve become, a “beacon of light, a lighthouse on the shores of life, to help us all find His Peace, His Grace, His Mercy, His Love.
what a glorious and beautiful way to end your challenge, kelly. i am really proud of you.
p.s. personally, i think science is way overrated when it comes to the beauty of the natural world. but that’s just me. ; )