The night before we left for the football game, Tripp and I were heading out to dinner. In the car he turned towards me and said, “You know, something about going to the football games with you feels like going home to me.”
<<insert heartmelt here>>
So I would just to pause here real quick. Because this comment, these words of love and connection, if Tripp had said them 15 years ago, I would have been completely offended. As in “What’s wrong with our home? Why doesn’t our home feel like home to you? Do you not like being at home with me? ad nauseam.” As is so often the case, me feeling offended has more to do with my own insecurities than it does with the ‘offensive’ words.
At any rate, after Tripp’s comment, I just sat there in the passenger seat beside him, thinking about him and smiling at how much Tripp REALLY loves OU football. Knowing what special memories he has going with his granddad as young boy. Tripp and I even sit in the same seats that they did! So these memories and connections run deep.
And then the words…being with you…home…well it just gave me all feels and giant warm fuzzies.
I love how much Tripp loves Sooner football. I love that he loves sharing it with me. And today, on his birthday, I love that I feel like home to him.
Happy Birthday Tripp. You are home to me too.
Love, Kelly
Now you did it – you made me cry….