in case you were curious, pretty much all i do these days is walk around my backyard and take pictures of flowers.
well…ok…so nothing new there, but this past week or so i have been completely smitten with this columbine that i planted last spring.
this particular variety is called ‘origami red & white’ (Aquilegia x hybrida ‘Origami Red & White’).
those spikes that extend out behind the main flower….those are called spurs.
these hollow tubes are generally filled with nectar for long-tongued insects and critters.
yes, rather than folding my laundry, i prefer to geek out on flower morphology.
over the years, i’ve only had marginal success with growing columbines. but i think i found a sweet spot for this one under the ash tree in my yard…it gets a little bit of morning sun and dappled sun in the afternoon.
ok. so now back to my laundry.
love, kelly
I will listen to your geek out on flowers all day long over laundry!!!! 🙂
Your Columbine is a beauty. I love the long spurs on them and the sweet smell they have. I use to have several Columbine’s in my garden but the winter’s killed them and I’ve just not had the heart to try growing them again.
I love that Columbine! In fact, I share your passion for Columbine, we have a very similar one. There are so many varieties. We’ve been growing them for years.
Oh, I’m excited to see your Columbine! I love them, and last summer a friend shared seeds of one like yours (red/white or cream) and I’m waiting hoping they bloom this year. She also gave me seeds for “black” ones. The purple ones grow so easily and I find them coming up all around the yard. I love how the spurs are so long on yours!
Love this variety of Columbine, such a beautiful color and such fascinating shapes! I’ve never tried to grow any, I need to work on my annuals!