….i’m obsessed.
i planted this hellebore early last spring. i saw it at the garden center and just **had** to have it.
just look at these colors…shades of maroon, mauve, dusty rose, and pale pink.
***sidenote…do people even say ‘mauve’ anymore?? i’m guessing that anyone born before 1995 has no clue what this color is. or its companion county blue. which is a shame because that was my jam back in the day.***
i am so in love these beautiful flowers that i decided to geek out on them a bit. and i thought i would share it with you in case you’re interested.
to start with, the latin name for hellebores is hellebores x hybridus and they are members of the ranunculus family (a flower with which i am equally enamored). according to wikipedia, the name derives from “to injure” and “food” because most species of hellebores are poisonous.
hellebores are more commonly knows as ‘winter rose’ or ‘lenten rose’ because of their early blooming season – often in january and february. which is exactly why i bought it.
flowers that bloom in february…yes please!
hellebores are shade tolerant which is always a plus for me since my gardens are mostly shade gardens. hellebores are also are quite hardy and frost resistant. but the thing i find to be most intriguing is the center of the flower….to me they look like something from ‘little shop of horrors’.
so after doing a little research, i learned that the colorful ‘petals’ are actually sepals (outer layers that protect the buds and provide structure for the flower). the chartreuse, tubular structures (also believed to be the actual ‘petals’) are the nectaries which contain produce the insect-attracting nectar. then in the center of the flower you have the reproductive part of the flower – the pistil and stamen.
hello my name is kelly, and i am a total botany nerd.
nature is so cool.
at any rate, now you are up to date on my latest gardening obsession. which also serves as lovely photography inspiration.
hellebores are a great delight to have in my garden and on my table.
so very happy to be able to share them with you my friends!
happy friday!
I still say mauve and I happen to think it’s a beautiful color. : ) These are probably some of the most gorgeous flowers I’ve ever seen. Oh my goodness!! I know exactly why you fell in love with them!! : )
Happy weekend to you and your family!!
~ Wendy