“he should have called by now.”
turns out, it was right after some pretty serious rain in these parts and one of the main highways on his route was flooded. cars backed up for miles. he called about a half hour later to tell mom that he was running late.
my dad is a retired truck driver. {who has driven more miles backwards than i have forward by the way}. and being at the right place at the right time is has always been a huge part of his job. it’s the standard by which he judges his own job performance.
my dad knows exactly how many miles and how long it takes to get somewhere. he can do log books in his sleep. my dad is reliable, dependable, and accountable. no matter how many times he’s done it before or how many more miles until the job is done, my dad will be there to do it. you can count on him.
i can count on him.
i believe that this is just one of the many ways that my dad glorifies God with his life…this is my father’s {A}rt.
and it’s not just his employers who reap the benefit of my father’s dedication and devotion to his work. because of his work ethic, i know what it means to work hard. i know the satisfaction of a job well done. but even more importantly, because of my dad, i know what it means to be trustworthy.
today is my dad’s birthday. and today i celebrate the man who taught me how to trust.
i love you daddy!
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