That statement usually makes me run for the hills. But in fact, recently I saw an ad for a Himalayan salt lamp with its purported effects to be:
- Improving breathing problems and reducing allergies.
- Less colds and flu (due to less airborne viruses).
- Increased relaxation and calmness and less stress.
- Improved ability to concentrate and work for longer periods around electrical equipment like computers.
- Fewer headaches and migraines.
- Reduced symptoms from disorders like rheumatism and arthritis.
- An improvement in skin diseases.
- Easier to get to sleep at night.
- A better overall sense of health and wellbeing.
Well after about 30 minutes of going down the rabbit hole, I came away with a dizzying amount of information about positive ions and electromagnetic radiation. Which I thought was interesting considering I was reading about a thing to reduce the damaging effects of electronic gizmos while reading on said electronic gizmo. #irony
Well played Facebook…well played.
At any rate, I did not buy this salt lamp thing because everything I read basically said there was no real scientific evidence to support their claims. If it sounds too good to be true, right? But all is not lost because, guess what…guess where you can get all these feel-good, positive ion reducing benefits for free?
You got it.
Everything you need to feel calm and centered and alive and well is right outside your front door.
So skip the pseudo-science and save your money. Just go outside. Point your face to the sun and breathe in heaps and gobs of fresh air. Move your body and get your blood circulating. Bonus points if you talk to your neighbor.
You can thank me tomorrow.
Love, Kelly.
If you would like a figurative breath of fresh air, check out this 31 Notes from Nature series from Angie Mattson Stegall. And big love to my Focusing on Life sister, Judy, for sharing it with us.
A minimalist after my own heart!