Once you sort of have the “rules” of photography under your belt, the next natural progression on the journey is this idea of finding your own style – your creative voice so to speak. But thanks to my special talents for 1) overthinking things and 2) making things harder than they need to be, I found this to be exceptionally challenging. And when I started looking for some answers, it was suggestions like following that made me want to a) start bawling, b) throw my camera and gear out the window, or c) punch someone in the face.
- Don’t worry about it…you’ll know when you know.
- It’s a journey and you’ll discover it when you get there.
- When you stop looking for it, you’ll find it.
These ambiguous, nebulous pieces of advice are exactly NOT what a new photographer wants to hear.
The truth is though…no one can tell you definitively what your style is…it’s too personal. But take heart, because even though I can’t give you any concrete answers, I can at least point you in the right direction. And today I am at Focusing on Life sharing some questions to ask yourself to help you find your style.
Happy Tuesday friends!
Love, Kelly
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