My little seedlings are growing!

Over the weekend I took some time to transplant some of my poppy and snapdragon seedlings. They had finally grown their first “real” leaves (versus the seed leaves or cotyledons) and needed to be repotted.
You might recall that I planted these seeds on the first of February and they germinated within about a week, but since then, it didn’t appear that they were really growing. At least on the surface level. But when I removed that first tiny seedling from its cell, I was utterly amazed its vigorous little root system!

This network of tiny, fine hairs is not only stabilizing the whole structure but also connecting the little seedling to its source of water and vital nutrients needed to grow.
This amazing growth just spoke to my heart so much. Because all too often often I get really frustrated and bummed out when my projects don’t appear to be making any progress at all. But these little seedlings reminded me that the most important work largely goes unnoticed. It is exactly this work of building a framework and staying connected to my Source, my faith in God, that ensures that what I am putting out into the world will survive and thrive.
As always, nature is the very best teacher. Thank you for letting me share her lessons with you today.
Love, Kelly
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