Sunday evening, miraculously, the wind finally died down and it was gorgeous outside. But I’m not going to lie…I was feeling a little blue. Early in the day we had attended the final performance of Les Mis and it had really hit home that it was, most likely, the last time we’d see our girl performing in a play or musical. Nature always tends to lift my spirits so we decided to walk to the park and experience the azaleas close-up. There was no way that I was going to let my mood ruin this delightful Spring evening!
Woodward Park is at it’s most splendorous this time of year (in my humble opinion). Between the azaleas and dogwood trees it’s just so stunningly beautiful.
The entire park is covered with pink, fuchsia, coral, and white azaleas.
The satiny, ruffled, trumpet-shaped flowers blanket the park.
Not to be outdone, however, are the dogwoods in full bloom.
One of the neatest things about the park are all little walking paths and vignettes.
Lots of places to sit enjoy the scenery.
Or grab a quick drink (well that is if you like pond water).
The azaleas should be blooming for another week or two. So if you have a little time to come and sit and soak up a little of the glory of God’s Creation, I highly recommend it.
It does a body good.
Peace, Kelly
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