as i sit here in my office, i can see the sun peaking over the houses in my neighborhood. so that alone is already making my day!
it’s been a good week here in my neck of the woods. my got back to campus and started her final semester of college.
let me say that one more time so that it will hopefully sink in for me.
my daughter is starting her last semester of college.
wow…how is that even possible!
but it’s all good because she’s got a light school load and she’s got an interview for a new internship next week. things are coming together for her in so many ways…her hard work is starting pay off. and that makes this momma so happy.
in other exciting news, i had dinner with my parents on tuesday night…chicken & noodles followed by an episode of NCIS. ok…so maybe i might be using ‘exciting’ rather loosely. but a year ago, the ability to pop in and spend a few hours with my folks was not even an option. so yes for me this is a wonderful thing.
life is good right now. it’s busy and productive. and i’ve been able to maintain a fairly decent balance between what i need to do and what i like to do.
just don’t look to carefully at the dust on my desk and the dustbunnies in my bedroom…ok? because clearly they are not on my ‘need to do’ list. 😉
but just because life is good, it doesn’t mean it’s perfect…hello broken oven!…i try to be mindful of that in posts like these. i don’t ever want to give off the impression that i have a perfect life. but it is my practice – in my life and here on my blog – to document and celebrate the good stuff.
if this sounds a little bit ‘mary sunshine’ to you, well…it wouldn’t be the first time i’ve been accused of that. my girlfriends laura, teala, and tonya were joking about this at lunch yesterday. ‘i’m just mary f*cking sunshine people’…yep…that’s what i said. and we all busted out laughing. ‘calligraphy that’ they said!
hello my name is kelly and i will calligraphy anything.
maybe it’s true that i tend to focus on the positive. maybe it’s true that i look for the good. maybe it’s true that i give people the benefit of the doubt. but i love the sunshine.
i love the light.
and so, with that, this mary sunshine is going to sign off to soak up a little bit more of it today. i hope the sun is shining in your neck of the woods.
love, kelly
Kelly, this whole post brings a smile to my face. You really inspire me in so many ways: your stunning photography, your beautiful calligraphy, your outlook! Yup…i.n.s.p.i.r.e.d.