The fact that this board would be on display the whole evening and be subject to the scrutiny of the others did not influence my design all. Nope. And in no way, shape, or form did my perfectionist tendencies come into play at all during this project. That would just be silly. I absolutely did not obsess about this project for my daughter’s entire senior year, and never in million years would I ever dream of doing something this over the top just make my project stand out. Please…I am way more confident than that. Plus I don’t have a competitive bone in my body.
Anybody else not buying that?
Oh well…sometimes it’s just too hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
Anyway here is the final product.
I am really happy with the way it came together. It looks adorable hanging up in the hallway next to Kelsey’s room now. And most importantly, all of Kelsey’s special Senior moments have been preserved.
One of the things I really wanted to incorporate into the board was the plaid fabric Kelsey’s uniform skirt is made from. It’s one of the hallmarks of her entire high school experience. Luckily, I was able to procure a small scrap of fabric from the uniform shop and thought a couple of fabric flowers would be a cute touch on her memory board. I scoured the internet and researched every possible variation of fabric flower I could find. And as is usual for me, the idea of incorporating a couple of little flowers escalated into a full on handmade flower extravaganza.
Even if you don’t have an anxiety-inducing memory board to make, these adorable flowers would be super cute on scrapbook pages, as home décor embellishments, or even as a little accessory on a pin or headband for a little girl.
So here you have it – a special, five-posts-in-one edition of my blog! Just click on the title above each photo to link to the step-by-step instructions for making each flower.
Happy Flower-making!
Peace, Kelly
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