a couple of weeks ago, when i was visiting my parents, my mom and i stopped into a consignment/junk store after lunch.
it’s interesting what we gravitate towards when doing any kind of treasure hunting like this. my mom will almost always look through old curtains and fabric. i’m more likely to dig around in old dishes.
anyway, she and i both happened to be perusing the ‘home goods’ section of the store and it was there that i spied this cool bottle.
i ended up finding another glass bottle right next to it. and so i brought them home and washed the major grime off of them.
now i’m not an expert on vintage bottles, so i googled the names to see what they might be used for back in the day.
this ‘old quaker’ bottle was actually a brand of rye whiskey.
this watkins bottle was mainly used for cleaning products or home remedies.
fun fact! they are still in business today.
i just love their unique shapes along with the awesome typefaces used on them. but this time of year what i love about old glass bottles is their usefulness for displaying colorful blooms in my kitchen.
truly you cannot underestimate the joy to be had in a $5 bunch of carnations.
i wouldn’t say that i am an avid ‘junker’…but i totally get the allure. the thrill and rush at finding something wonderful. and there’s definitely an art to being able to sift through the junk to find treasures. i think it has alot to do with being open and learning to see.
sort of like life if you ask me.
anyway, for ten bucks i came home with some pretty neat old glass bottles, a sweet memory with my mom, and a cheery way to add some color to my world. putting that in the big win column in my book today.
hoping you’ll find some treasure this weekend! happy friday friends.
love, kelly
I love the bottles!!! Great eye picking those out!!! 🙂 and of course I love your mother!! 🙂
I love old vintage bottles too! I also love the light in your images. You must have worked hard to get the bottles clean, they almost sparkle.
So pretty! I would never think to bring something like this home but now I think I will. I love the look!
it looks like you had a perfect day…just the kind I love!!
I’m an old bottle lover too! I’m having a rally hard time getting them clean though.
beautiful finds, kelly. you’ve inspired me to check out some vintage shops here in fayetteville next week.
i have an old mason jar of my grandmother’s that she used for canning back in the 1920’s and ’30’s, and it’s my very favorite vase. happy weekend!
p.s.—i love your new portfolio! it’s pure you. : )
Old bottles are great fun. I’ve scrubbed for hours to get some clean which I will say, I may never do again, ha! Even fashioned my own bottle cleaner. Sounds like you had a nice day.
Fabulous finds!! They’ll make great photo prompts!
Fantastic find, fabulous images.