As I’m sitting here at my desk, uploading these photos to my blog, I have the biggest smile on my face – we celebrated Thanksgiving at our house yesterday and it was awesome. Getting to spend time with our family, lots of laughter, lingering at the table, a little afternoon catnap, a a turkey sandwich and a second piece of pie…yeah…that’s the good stuff.
Tripp and I have both been off all this past week. He needed to burn some PTO and…well…you never have to twist my arm to take time off to spend at home. So this past week I have been in full-on, holiday nest mode which has been w o n d e r f u l.
I really do love it all. From the planning and the shopping to the cooking and even the cleaning. Doing things I love for the people I love – this is my happy place. And I am so grateful for it all.
Love, Kelly
so sweet
very nice shoot with very sweet ligth