We live in a historical neighborhood and about a year and a half ago, we were invited to be on a home tour. We had finally finished all of our ice storm repair and completed our backyard renovation. We had been renovating non-stop for four years so it was such a compliment to be asked to be on the tour and validation of all our hard work.
We had about four months to put the finishing touches on the house before the tour. Let the cleaning begin! And do i mean CLEANING. Every square inch of our home and garden were spotless. The flowerbeds were weeded, the cobwebs were cleaned, the baseboards touched up…then the day before the tour I cleaned house. My friend Nanette came to help me clean the kitchen – she used a toothpick to get the goop around the edges of my cabinets. Let me tell you – my house was clean! The light fixtures twinkled and the wood floors gleamed. I was so proud.
So I did what any self-respecting scrapbooker would do – I took pictures! I wanted to capture the brief moment in time that my entire home was spotlessly clean and preserve that memory for the times when the cat hair tumbleweeds are taking over. And like every good scrapbooker, I made a little scrapbook of the photos to document that this monumental task could be done! (We’re not even going to address the paradox of the huge mess I make while scrapbooking.)
Kelly this so cool. We love this and we can say she is our neice isn’t she great!!!!!!!!
Really you too cool and we are very proud of you. Hope to be coming that way next week, if John’s work will let him off.