i got pansies of course. i especially love this new ‘sunrise’ variety with its delightful mix of bronze, burgundy, and gold tones.
i also bought a few pumpkins.
compared with previous years, i exercised a good bit of restraint which is in large part due to getting my credit card statement which contained all of the expenses from the kitchen update.
seriously 3M….you’re welcome.
at any rate, can we please talk about the color of this pumpkin?
also, in case you weren’t aware, when choosing a pumpkin, it’s all about the stem…the funkier and twistier the better.
and finding one with the curlicues still attached…that’s paydirt my friends.
i’ve been thinking about heading back to the pumpkin place to get a few more of those pastel pumpkins. so if you happen to drive down harvard and see a middle-aged woman digging through the pumpkin bins looking for the ones with the best stems, be sure to wave.
love, the crazy pumpkin lady
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