you thought i was kidding didn’t you?
today was a productive, albeit less gratifying, day of taping off getting ready to paint the walls. i had my yearly gyno appointment this morning – really a dentist appointment and gyno in the same week??? what was i thinking?? – followed by another appointment a bit later. so i didn’t want to get into painting today.
in a related note, i’m starting to remember why i made heavy duty shades for my west facing kitchen windows!
i don’t particularly like taping off. but i do like having a nice, neat edge. which is why i splurged a bit on the new and improved version of 3M painters’ tape. probably their attempt to compete with the superior green frog tape.
the thing about painting kitchens is that there is so. much. trim. and of course i’m freak about getting the tape just so. it sort of brings out the OCD in me.
tomorrow tripp has promised to help me paint the walls. as long as i promise to let him turn the tv on to college football all day. which considering how fast he paints is a no-brainer.
also…. i **may** attempt to get the sprayer out. #prayforme
so that’s it for today. and before i sign off i just want to say thank you so much for all of your kind words of encouragement on yesterday’s post. i’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and it feels really good.
happy friday my friends. xoxoxo
Kelly I love the white. A project like this is always worth it. This fall I’m painting my bedroom from Red to a light gray, I think I will feel your pain then. Happy painting. Margie