The hummingbirds are back!

I noticed the first one a couple of weeks ago.

Sidenote: can we please talk about those teeny, tiny hummingbird feet???
Meanwhile, I have logged a obscene amount of time at my sink watching them through my kitchen window and standing outside by gate taking pictures.
This year it appears that they invited some friends. And they were we all fighting so much at the feeder by the fence, I put one out in the back of the yard.

They are now fighting over this one too. Which makes it even more fun to watch.
After a weekend that included taking care of my hubby who is suffering from a groin injury and troubleshooting our 25 year-old washing machine. Plus all the cleaning, groceries, and usual stuff of life. These delightful creatures brought a few moments of magic and wonder to my life.
Literally in my own backyard.

And they represent everything I know to be true about life.
Love, Kelly
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