The importance of being honest and telling the truth. Even when it’s hard. I learned it from my mom.
How to sew. How to garden. How to cook. How to make a house a home. I learned it from my mom.
The value of sitting down to dinner as a family. To love unconditionally. I learned it from my mom.
What it means to earn a living. The value of money. How to balance my checkbook and be a good steward of my finances. I learned it from my mom.
To have empathy and compassion for others. To root for the underdog. To see others as Jesus sees them. I learned it from my mom.

And so today, on my mom’s 70th birthday, I just wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate her and all of the things she has taught me. So very grateful to be her daughter.
Love, Kelly
Not only are you blessed to have such a wonderful mother but likewise she is also blessed to have a daughter who has obviously mastered the very best from the best! Happy Birthday to your lovely mother.