hi there. remember me? the gal with the cat litter box and the pictures of her coffee cups?
i know it’s been a while since i’ve written a real blog post. you know…the kind where i fill you in on the exciting details around here.
as always, i’m using the word ‘exciting’ in the loosest interpretation possible.
it’s not that i haven’t had anything to talk about. but my blog break was a nod to my word for last year – PARE. a break from blogging to work on my ART. sort of a christmas gift to myself.
but if i had been blogging, i would have shared with you how much i love my neighbor’s holly bush with its exuberant red berries and glossy green leaves.
if had been blogging, i would have told you how much i enjoyed spending time with our families during christmas. about how i’m not really sure who these kids in my photos are….because last time i checked my nieces and nephews were all still in preschool.
if i had written a blog post, i would have told you how completely overjoyed i was when the sun came out christmas morning.
if i had been blogging, i would have told you about our first snow. about how magical it was to wake up to big, fluffy white flakes. how i talked kelsey into letting me take pictures of her with my new macro lens.
if i had been blogging, i would have shared that the next day we took down the living room christmas tree. and in the process i spent some time reflecting on the past year.
if i had been blogging i would have told you how sad it makes me to say goodbye to the christmas tree lights this time of year. but how i also like putting things back in their usual place. all clean and dust free….for a little while at least. oh…and in exceptionally riveting news, how i traded places with the chest from the entry way and the table in front of the big window. and also how i rearranged the knick-knacks on my dining room buffet.
if i had been blogging i would have told you how much i loved having our parents over for new year’s eve. how we played cards. kelsey hearing my dad’s party jokes for the first time. tripp in rare form playing chicken foot. singing and laughing so hard our sides hurt. cheering the new year together.
yes. this is what you’ve been missing out on.
there are a so many little things i could have told you about. lovely memories that i will cherish for a lifetime. but mostly what i would have shared is how these past couple of weeks have been spent in the cozy cocoon of our home. a peaceful bubble of family and friends. and how grateful i am to have spent this time at home together.
as always, with any significant blog break, i am reminded of just how much i love this little space of mine. and i am looking forward to the new year…new experiences…new stories to tell. and i am profoundly grateful to be able to share it all with you.
love, kelly
I always love reading your thoughts, so full of fun and life!! Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!!
I’m glad you took this break so you could enjoy and relax. But I did miss hearing about your days! It looks like you’ve had a lovely time!
What a wonderful holiday break you had and good for you! Doing what your heart told you to. I took a break from blogging, too, for many of the same reasons. I meant to get back in the game today but that January Curse is still hanging around. You know the one I mean because you alluded to it. The one wherein you clean and rearrange and clean some more. What is it about January? Oh! And Happy New Year, my friend! xo
If you had been blogging, we would miss seeing your beautiful pictures of snow and Kelsey with your Macro Lens. If you had been blogging, we would miss Christmas through your eyes, thoughts and your Art. A magical Christmas for us, because you were not blogging. Thank you for making Christmas and the New Year come to life in fond memories.
Happy New Year Kelly! Sounds like you enjoyed your holidays. Margie
Those photos of your daughter slay me. Beautiful and very reflective post.
Seriously, I am always in awe of your stunning images. The close ups of your daughter are simply gorgeous! And this post is just perfect! Here’s to a very HappyNew Year!
thank you for the kind words laura! happy new year to you too!