Sidenote: Why yes I have been listening to our new ‘Totally Awesome 80’s’ radio station? Why do you ask?
In case you’re curious, digital scrapbooking is the process of creating pages and layouts on the computer using digital photos and graphic elements (such as word art, templates, cut files, and PNG images). This type of memory keeping has gained in popularity over the past several years in part, because of our digital lifestyles, but also because of the ever-increasing array of digital scrapbooking products that are available. And the great thing about these digital files is that once you purchase them and download them to your computer, you can use recolor/resize/repurpose them again and again in a variety of different ways.
Digital scrapbooking certainly has its benefits, but for me, there is a bit of a disconnect when I am creating solely on the computer. Because a big part of what I love about this hobby is the ‘crafty’ aspect – the tactile experience of cutting and pasting and hand-written journaling. That’s why I prefer to take a hybrid approach which is basically just printing out these digital elements and using them in my projects.
Using this month’s digital release from Ali Edwards, I created a variety of journal cards for my Project Life album. I especially loved the triangle ‘flower’ design which I incorporated into several of my cards.
Here are a couple of layouts that I created in my Project Life album using them.
In addition to creating journal cards, I also created a digital ‘paper’ which I printed out and used in my layouts about my latest gardening project and my love of daylight savings time.
Hybrid scrapbooking is sort of like the best of both worlds…endless variety and options plus the crafty goodness that makes me so happy.
Thank you for letting me share it with you.
Love, Kelly
P.S. You can see all of my 2017 Memory Keeping project here.
I fell exactly the way you do about wanting to be able to “touch and feel” my scrapbook supplies! Back several years ago after being a paper scrapbooker for many years, I had gotten behind and decided to catch up doing some digital pages. From there, I was completely digital for several years but I really missed the physical scrapbooking. Project Life gives me the feeling of physically scrapbooking with the ease of digital. A combination of the two, the way you describe, is what works for me right now. As always, love the inspiration I get from visiting here.