Around here, I’m slowing getting back into the groove and the routines of everyday life.
Around here I finally got all of my Christmas decorations taken down and put away. One of my friends recently posted on Instagram that she would pay someone a million dollars to take down her Christmas tree. I actually lol’d and snorted my coffee at that. But as much as I hate doing it, it feels so, so, good to have crossed off my list. Plus, as a bonus, it’s nice to see all of my little books and treasures that had been packed away for the past month.
Sidenote: Apparently I have a thing for vintage green books.
Around here January is doing its thing. Glorious sunsets and golden hour light have been an especially welcome sight this week which included an appliance repair call, a rat trap, rubber gloves & a bucket of Clorox cleanup, and a visit from the exterminator.
I’ll spare you the details (#yourewelcome), but yeah…it’s been a week.
Or, if you’d like to read a similar story feel free to check out this little gem from 2014. Apparently it’s the season.
Walking with Daisy one evening, I stopped in my tracks at the sight of the setting sun in my neighbor’s front window.

As I stood there taking this photo, I let out a giant exhale, said a little prayer of gratitude for this glorious light, and then moved on.
Because that’s what we do. Inhale. Exhale. Through the good and the not-so-good. Through the changing of the seasons. The ebbs and flows…the ups and downs of life. Just keep on moving. One day at a time.
Around here, despite the challenges of the week, I’m feeling alive and present and grateful. And that’s enough for me right now.
Love, Kelly
Whenever I feel overwhelmed …..and that’s how it is right now, I just say : “okay, just do the next thing”
If I can stop and see the beauty along the way, it’s a good day.
excellent advice. ament to this.