Happy Monday friends.
I’m dipping my toe back into my blog after a taking a break from social media. Maybe it’s because I am an introvert. Maybe it’s because of my enneagram number or zodiac sign. Who knows. Whatever the case though, the world simply got too loud for me. And when this happens, the noise in my head gets even louder. So my little self-imposed sabbatical was a practice not so much in self-care, but more importantly in soul-care.

While I was away, I still photographed and created. But I did so entirely for myself.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I can’t remember the last time I created something that I didn’t share on social media. It’s like that old expression “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound?” Only for me it would be “If I see a beautiful sunrise and no one is there to “like” it, does it still touch my heart?”

My answer to that question is yes. However, this is not the answer that the wizards behind the big-tech curtain would like you believe. But that’s probably another conversation for another time.
At any rate, I hope you are well. I hope that this past month has blessed with you moments of happiness and connection and beauty.

As always, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing my to moments with you.
Love, Kelly
Escaping from the world once in a while is a good thing . Glad your break helped. Thank you for sharing your gift for seeing the beauty in nature.
Always feel free to come and go as you need and please. Your readers are not a fickle group and will always be here. You see you bring us soulful beauty at the most opportune times….soulful.
Ps the cream colored dahlia on the windowsill is magical.
Beautiful photos. So glad you took the time you needed.