well there was a rumor today that the sun actually peeked out from behind the clouds. i didn’t see it myself, so i’m taking my girl’s word for it.
i think that if there was a downside to being a photographer…well besides the weird looks i get from kid and my neighbors when i am lying in the grass trying to get a shot of the dew drops…is that i am obsessed with light. and i say ‘downside’ because this time of year, when the daylight is so scarce – either because of the short days or like now, when the sun literally has not shown for weeks – i get a little cranky.
i am missing the light. i miss the warm sun shining on my face. i miss the late afternoon shadows that fall across my kitchen table. i miss the golden hour. i miss having magical backlight in my photographs.
i miss the light. but i also know that even though i can’t actually see the light…it’s still shining. up beyond the fog and the drizzle and clouds the sun is shining and there is blue sky for as far as the eye can see.
i think faith is alot like this…if i put my faith in only what i could see…if i set my hopes on my physical experience of this life….it would be as unstable as the weather. so instead, i put my faith in God. knowing and believing in His light even when, to my limited human vision, there doesn’t seem to be much light at all.
this christmas, i am celebrating the birth of our Lord and the light that came into the world. and i am wishing you all wonderful, peace-filled christmas full of light and hope.
all my love, kelly
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