As promised, it was a 6-star weekend. California weather as Tripp likes to call it. And so we took every opportunity to spend as much time outside as possible. As usual, our evening walks included lots of ball throwing and photo taking.
But this weekend are walks also included wholehearted conversations about racism and privilege. Because the state of things in our communities and our country is weighing heavy on our hearts and it just cannot be ignored.
I’ve started this blog post a dozen times now this morning. I can’t seem to find the words much less string them together in any kind of coherent thought. Here is what I know for sure though. The light reminds me of all that is good and right and true. The light gives me hope for what can be.
Today I pray for peace and wisdom and strength and love.
Love, Kelly
Hi Kelly
This is Nancy (your dad’s cousin)
I love your blogs Kelly. When your mom likes one I get to read it.
I also love your photos. Would like to start following you if possible
Good, right and true will work every time if we all can be honest, listen, look each other in the eye and ourselves in the mirror……rather than simply casting blame.